Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Eh gue lagi bosen nih. Iseng iseng mau masukin quotes aja ya.
Quotes nya dari tumblr hehe sambil browsing2 jugasih -_____-
Yah, cekidot aja ya temanteman :-)

A strong person isn't the one who doesnt cry.
A strong person is the one who sheds tears for a moment,
pick up her swords then fights again.

Everyone comes into your life for a reasons.
Some for good, some for bad.
They shape us, they form us.
Some may break us, but in the end they make us who we are.

This is story of a girl who turned out wrong.
Because she only loved things who couldn't love her back.

Its never the tears that measure the pain.
Sometimes its the smile we fake.

It isnt the ignoring of that hurts.
But what hurts is what we use to talk everyday.
Say hi, the hugs, the smile and now we're nothing.....

Sometimes laughing isn't something you do for fun.
Its a relief when you have nowhere to run.

I like to pretend that everything's alright.
Because when everybody else thinks youre fine,
sometimes you forget for a while that you're not.

Pretending that my eyes itchy when I really
can't hold the tears anymore.

I really hate the moment when for just a second you smile at me,
I fall over again.

The saddest part isnt that with each passing day
I feel like i need you more,
but its the fact that you dont need me at all.

Do you know what's the real meaning of hurt?
Its when someone made you very special yesterday,
but made you feel like the most stupid person today.

The problem with us girls is that we fall for boys
who gives us the sweetest words they never really mean.

Sometimes i just wanna stop giving a damn
and just let them think what they wanna think about me....
Because at the end of the day...
I'm still me and they are still the clueless ones,
who pretend to know my story.

Your life is a book,
dont jump to the end to see if its worth it.
Just enjoy life and fill those pages with beautiful memories.

Nothing is permanent. Especially people.
Dont have your hopes high,
Friends become strangers, lovers become friends.
And people leave.

Strong people make as many mistakes as weak people.
The difference is that strong people admit their mistakes,
laugh at them and learn from them.

Never say "That won't happen to me."
Life has a funny way of proving us wrong.

Every girl wants a guy who she can run up to with her hair with mess,
make up running down her face,
and the first thing he says is,
"You're beautiful."

I wanna be the girl who makes your bad days better.
The one that makes you say,
"My life has changed since i met her."

I want to know what goes through your head when you look at me.

If i had never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If i didn't like you, I wouldn't love you.
If i didn't love you I wouldn't miss you.
But I did, I do, and I will.

You know he really cares when he asks what's wrong.
And when you tell him nothing,
he stays there waiting for the real reason.

When i'm with you, i act different.
In a good way.
I smile more and laugh more.
I don't have to pretend everything is okay when its really not.
With you.
I can drop the fake smile and put on a real one.
I don't feel hurt and alone when I'm with you.
Instead, I feel safe and loved.
You're easy to talk to, and you listen to me.
I don't have to to worry about holding back with you.
I don't feel self conscious.
I don't ever feel insecure or sad.
You show me that you really do care, and you're not just pretending.
I really appreciate your company, because with you I'm different.
With you, I'm happy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Boys Feels When They're In Love......

I wonder how boys feel when they're in love.
Do they have you on their mind 24/7?
Do they wait for you come online for hours?
Do they smile at random times at the thought of you?
Do they miss you all the time?
Do they think about the smallest things you say?
Do they wait for you come in the morning to school?
Do they wait for the best time talk with with you?
Do they confused think of the gift that they want to give to you?
Do they sad when you didn't smile to them?
Do they sad when you was absent because they couldn't see you?
Do they cry if broke up?

Boys, answer this.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Gaul tapi....gembel.

Hai! Hari ini hari jum'at dong. TGIF ~.~ *narinari*

Hari ini sekolah gue, 111, ngerayain Maulid Nabi dong. Jadikan kita masuk jam 7, sekitar jam 8 an kita semua ngumpul di musholla.

Terus karena ga kedapetan tempat gue,rizka,dhela, feny, fahira akhirnya meringkuk di pojokan. Asli benerbener gatau diri banget udah tau jalanan sempit nah ini duduk di pojokan tempat orang lalu lalang dengan santainya. Minta ditampol abis.

Sampe akhirnya udah radarada sepi, udah gak ada yang lewat lewat lagi. Tadinya gue ngarep, bakal bergeser tempatnya jadi kita berlima dapet duduk di karpet. Sayangnya harapan gue tidak terkabulkan. Tapi geser satu sih, akhirnya gue duduk di sebelah Silla. Akhirnya kita pun seperti biasa, nekat, dan gelar tempat sendiri.


Pake sajadah gue sm Feny, Rizka sm Dhela duduk di sajadah Feny, Fahira sm Feny duduk di sajadah gue. Kita tentaram2 saja sampe akhirnya disuruh maju. Jadinya kita kepisah TT-TT
Feny- Fahira di depan sementara gue Dhela Rizka tetep di belakang.

Akhirnya kita pun menggila. Pas ada musik marawis kita langsung goyang2 gajel. Apalagi pas udah disuruh BERDIRI langsung deh kita bertiga beraksi. Sampe kakak2 kelas yang duduk di depan kita pada nengok....sambil menahan tawa. Gue berusaha menahan malu dan berhasil. Alhasil kita pun menari nari diiringi musik marawis. Betul betul mencemarkan nama baik sekolah.

Terus ada yang lainlain lah, dzikir dan lainlain. Tapi yang paling kocak itu ceramahnya men. Dan gue gabisa menahan tawa gue pas ustad nya ngomong gini nih *kuranglebihya*,

".....nah kepala sekolah? belom tentu 20 taun lagi dia masih idup."


Gue ngakak. Dalem abis coy. Daleeeeemm banget. Gue nengok, nyari nyari kepala sekolah gue. Dan gue bisa liat tampangnya yang frustasi.


Aku turut bersedih.


Then, lamalama gue pegel juga. Terus gue liat ada seseorang di balik pot di depan... feeling gue mengatakan itu si Tio HAHAHA. Kan bener kan. Itu dia. Cengar cengir gitudai wkwk.

Yaudah gue senyum jugalah WAHAHAHA.

Terus gue ngeliat ke arah lain. Terus gue balik ngeliat ke pot. Dia masih disana, senyum senyum gajel gitudah wkwk. Terus gue ngeliat ke arah lain lagi. Terus gue ngeliat ke pot lagi dan... dia masih disana. Begitulah terus sampe berkalikali, autis abis emang.

Entah kenapa gue ngerasa kejadian bolak-balik-cengar-cengir itu mirip mirip film India dikit. Dimana Tio yang nyengir dibalik pot.. seperti di film India yang biasa nyanyi di balik pohon ituloh. Menyedihkan gaksih-___-"

Hahaha lawak ah.


Nah jam 11 itu ada waktu istirahat dulu bentar.

Gue, yang udah kelaperan banget udah kayak apaan tau asdfghjkl gue lapeeerrrr banget. Langsung gue keatas, naro tas gue terus ke kantin. Bahagianya aku bisa melihat makanan lagi.....................

Lalu shalat jum'at dll. Pulang sekolah, gue yang tadinya mau pulang, gajadi grgr pada mau ke sevel. Akhirnya gue pun ikut ke sevel.

Biasalah, sok gaul, padahal aslinya gembel.

Tadinya gue cuma sama Feny, Fahira, Nadya. Eh entah kenapa pas dijalan tibatiba kita jadi bareng Raka, Hafizh, Bimo, sama Alfha wkwk. Yaudahlah akhirnya ke berdelapan ke sevel.

Pas dijalan, naik angkot, eh tibatiba ada anak bocil masuk ke angkot. Terus katanya siapa gitu 'pangku aja woy pangku'soalnya udah penuh.

Tuh anak menelusuri angkot *cailah menelusuri* -_- terus ternyata pilihannya jatuh pada Raka. Kan karna angkotnya jalan, tuh anak ga seimbangan terus jatoh ke pelukan Raka wkwk aduh ngakak deh. Akhirnya dia duduk nyempil di sebelah Raka, kayak anak sama bapak.

Pas kita udah mau turun, Raka turun paling terakhir, terus pake pesan pesan dulu lagi sama tuh anak.

'Dek kita duluan ya. Hati hati yadek. Hati hati kecopetan. Kakak duluan ya dek.'

Dll. sok baik banget deh wkwk canda.

Akhirnya kita sampe di depan sevel, tapi kita harus nyebrang dulu. Bukannya nunggu sampe agak lengang dulu eh ini langsung tancep aje si Alfha. Alfha yang mimpin. Udah gitu dia lari lari sambil tangannya di angkat kesamping terus di goyang goyan kayak banci gitu.....

Terus kita nyebrang jalan sambil larilari. Orang orang yang duduk di depan sevel ngeliatin... gue kelabakan mau ditaro dimana muka gue ini.

Kita beli slurpee sama cemilan2 gitu terus duduk diluar. Eh katanya Raka, ALsya mau nyusul bareng Disya sm Yasmin. Yaudah kita tunggu mereka dulu. Finally mereka dateng, terus mereka beli yang mereka mau, slurpee dll. Terus kita pulang deh.

Di sepanjang jalan Raka sama Alfha gandengan tangan mulu bikin Alsya panas wkwk.

Gak lama kita sampe di sekolah, terus gue dijemput deh.

Thanks guys that was so fuunnn!



Thursday, March 10, 2011


This is how the love started.


And broke softly...

< / 3

You found a smile, laugh, joke, cute things, hug, in LOVE, in relationship, kiss, tired, confused, shocked, sad, sick, cry, broken -heart.
Then you broke up......................
And you found a smile again.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hai, Nih Move On nya Om Bruno....

How do I end up in the same old place,
faced again with the same mistakes,
so stubborn thinkin I know what is right,
but life proves me wrong everytime,
takin roads that lead me nowhere,
how do I expect to get there,
but when will I learn to just put you first.

I come to you now when I need you,
but why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but
I was wrong cause only with you can I move on.

When I awake it's you that makes
me strong,
and I know that you've been with me all along,
so many times I begin to close my eyes and listen to my heart,
with you life is so easy why do I
make it hard,
oh takin roads that lead me nowhere
how do I expect to get there when will I learn to just put you first.

I come to you now when I need you,
but why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but
I was wrong cause only with you can I move on.

I get out of my own way, let you have your way.
Cause I realize Im no good on my own,
I'm there for you, I'll sell for you
I can't live without you.

I come to you now when I need you, why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong. With only you, only you, with only you. Can I move on, can I move on, can I move on.

Enak banget deh nih lagu. Galau kan jadinya. Kamfret.


Hi bloggps!

Well, setelah sekian taun gak main.
Gue balik ke sini :-)
Mungkin kalian bosen juga kaliya ada blogger blogger lain yang kaga ngurusin blog nya garagara.


Iyanih gue lagi tumblr addict banget deh. Huhuhu.

Lebay banget kaliya gue zz.



Menurut gue, bener bener gabijak banget nyiptain tumblr taugak.


Nih nih alesan gue:

1. banyak gambar gambar orang
2. tinggal reblog
3. dalam sekejap tumblr kita bisa dipenuhin gambar gambar keren
4. tampilannya simpel


Entah kenapa ya gue ngerasa nya ginideh, dulu pas gue bikin blogger pertama kali, masih abal sangat blog gue, dan kirakira hari kamis apa jumat minggu lalu gue bikin tumblr, dalam semalem bisa langsung gue edit edit dan udah lumayan.

fck ah.kesel taugak.

Gue gamau addict banget ah sama tumblr. takut blogger ga keurus. kan sayang.....

Aq khannz chayank blogger :**

Abaikan kealayan gue.


Hari ini masa ada bule baru deh ngajar di sekolah gue. Gini ya, gue bingung banget sama sekolah gue. Perasaan hobi banget gonta ganti guru native.

Mr. Ken, Mr. Craig, Mr. siapalah-itu-aku-lupa, Mr. Gavin yang ganteng *uhuk*

Sekarang ada lagi lohh yang baru, namanya Mr. James dan ngomongnya...
kumur kumur abis.

gue gangerti asliiiii dia ngomong apaan-_________-----asdfghjkl

Mungkin lain kali ada baiknya kalo gue pergi menyendiri di kamar mandi aja pas pelajarannya.


I Love Maths!!

Gadeng boongZ. haha.

gamungkin banget kaliya gue suka matematika....-__-
tau ah galau nih sama nilai nilai matematika gue.

Nih surat sama postcard dari Paris

Abaikan deh.